
'Book the Booth' intra intr-o scurta vacanta

'Book the Booth' is going on a short vacation

Ne vedem în septembrie și suntem siguri că revederea va fi super!

You'll get to see each other in September and we're pretty sure that the reunion is gonna be super sweet.

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Ce este Book the Booth?

What is Book the Booth?

Ne-am dorit mereu sa venim in intampinarea djilor, sa le oferim solutii si sa ii sustinem in dezvoltarea lor. Fie ca e vorba doar de o pasiune sau de un job stabil, in spatele fiecarui dj sunt sute sau poate chiar mii de ore de munca.
Experienta, skill-urile, promovarea si comunitatea sunt cuvintele cheie care stau in spatele povestilor de succes ale djilor.

We have always wanted to meet the needs of DJs, offer them solutions and support them in their development. Whether it's just a passion or a steady job, behind every DJ there are hundreds or even thousands of hours of work.
Experience, skills, promotion and community are the key words behind DJ success stories.

Iti punem la dispozitie camera special amenajata cu echipamente de top, setup pentru recording si livestreaming. Un dj booth de festival la dispozitia ta, pe care sa exersezi si sa-ti imbunatatesti skillurile, sa-ti inregistrezi seturile promo pe care sa le impartasesti in comunitatea ta, sau posibilitatea de a face livestreaming direct pe canalele tale de social media.

We provide you with a specially equipped room with top of the range equipment, recording setup and livestreaming (*TBA). A festival dj booth at your disposal, where you can practice and improve your skills, record your promo sets to share in your community, or livestream (*TBA) directly to your social media channels.

Level Up


Cele mai noi echipamente sunt acum la dispozitia ta. Rezerva pupitrul nostru de DJ si vino sa-ti exersezi skilurile de mixing.

The latest equipment is now at your disposal. Book our DJ desk and come practice your mixing skills.

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Iti punem la dispozitie un pupitru complet de DJ pentru ca tu sa-ti poti inregistra mixurile.

We provide you with a complete DJ desk so you can record your mixes.

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Impartaseste pasiunea pentru muzica si DJing. Iti punem la dispozitie un setup complet pentru live streaming (*TBA) pentru Social Media.

Share your passion for music and DJing. We provide you with a complete livestreaming (*TBA) setup for Social Media.

Disponibil in curand



Daca esti pasionat de DJing acum iti dam sansa sa poti afla secretele din spatele platanelor. Suna-l pe prietenul tau DJ si transforma-l in mentorul tau. Noi iti punem la dispozitie tot riderul de care ai nevoie.

If you are passionate about DJing, we now give you the opportunity to learn the secrets behind the decks. Call your DJ friend and make him your mentor. We provide you with all the equipment you need.

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Rezerva acum online si hai la HUB

Book online now and meet us at the HUB

La un pas distanta de DJ booth-ul pe care ti l-ai dorit mereu. Fie ca vrei sa iti exersezi sau imbunatatesti skill-urile de mixing sau beatmatching, sa inregistrezi mixul perfect cu care mai departe sa te promovezi in comunitatea ta sau sa faci live pe social media, te asteptam la hub.

One step away from the DJ booth you've always wanted. Whether you want to practice or improve your mixing or beatmatching skills, record that perfect mix to further promote yourself in your community or live on social media, we welcome you to the hub.

Intrebari Frecvente

Frequently Asked Questions

Nu-ti bate capul cu prea multe intrebari. E totul simplu si e free, in parteneriat cu prietenii nostri de la glo. Ia-ti cu tine muzica, castile si voia buna.

Don't bother with too many questions. It's all simple and it's free, in partnership with our friends from glo. Bring your music, headphones and uplifting spirit.

Cum rezerv?

How do I book?

Click click. Totul online. In formularul nostru vei gasi zilele si orele disponibile pentru tine. Inscrierile pentru luna urmatoare incep in ultima zi a lunii curente.
Click click. Everything online. In our form, you will find the available days and times for you. Registrations for the next month start on the last day of the current month.

Cat dureaza o sesiune?

How long does a session last?

O sesiune dureaza 1 ora si o poti rezerva de Luni pana Vineri, intre orele 10.00 si 18.00. Poti rezerva o sesiune pe zi si pana la 4 sesiuni pe luna. In cazul in care rezervi mai multe intr-o zi sau intr-o luna, toate rezervarile se vor anula automat.
A session lasts 1 hour, and you can book it from Monday to Friday, between 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM. You can reserve one session per day and up to 4 sessions per month. In case you book more than one in a day or in a month, all reservations will be automatically canceled.

Daca vreau sa inregistrez un set?

What if I want to record a set?

Super! Avem pentru tine un recorder gata cablat, testat si pregatit sa apesi rec. Pregateste-ti bine setul de acasa, alege-ti piesele si ordinea lor ca in momentul in care inregistrezi sa mearga totul ca uns.
Great! We have a recorder for you wired, tested and ready to press rec. Prepare your set at home, choose your tracks and their order so that when you record everything will go smoothly.

Ce imi trebuie cand vin la Hub?

What do I need when I come to the Hub?

Castile, muzica pe stick sau hdd, sau colectia de placi. Setup-ul e deja facut, echipamentele sunt pornite si ready to play. Pentru a nu intampina probleme iti recomandam sa folosesti un stick de maxim 32GB si sa scanezi muzica in Rekordbox dupa care sa o exporti pe stick.
Headphones, music on a USB stick or HDD, or your collection of records. The setup is already done, the equipment is turned on and ready to play. To avoid any issues, we recommend using a USB stick with a maximum capacity of 32GB and scanning the music in Rekordbox before exporting it to the memory stick.

Cum plec cu mixul inregistat acasa?

How do I leave with the recorded mix at home?

Mixul tau va fi uploadat si trimis la adresa de email din programare la cateva zile de la inregistrarea lui. Dupa ce ai terminat, inainte de a apasa stop, fa o poza ecranului recorderului si trimite-o catre noi impreuna cu data si ora la care a inceput sesiunea pe info@djsuperstore.ro
Your mix will be uploaded and sent to the email address provided during the booking a few days after recording. After you finish, before pressing stop, take a screenshot of the recorder's screen and send it to us along with the date and time the session started at info@djsuperstore.ro.

Unde gasesc toate informatiile?

Where do i find all the info about this space?

Ti-am pregatit o lista de "to dos si reguli" pentru a fi cat mai simplu sa ne organizam si pentru ca totul sa mearga super smooth si fara probleme, intarzieri sau situatii neprevazute. Poti accesa aceasta lista aici: Regulament Book The Booth
We have prepared a list of "to-dos and rules" for you to make it as easy as possible to organize and ensure that everything goes super smoothly without any problems, delays, or unforeseen situations. You can see this list here: Book The Booth Guidelines

Am ajuns la Booth, ce fac?

I'm at the Booth, what do I do?

Daca ai ajuns la HUB mai devreme cu 5-10 minute iti recomand sa anunti DJul care este deja in Booth ca ai ajuns si urmezi, in felul acesta nu vei pierde minute pretioase din timpul tau. O data intrat in Booth va trebui sa iti treci datele in lista de programari si sa te semnezi. In cazul in care ai si mix recording verifica daca recorderul este pornit si apasa REC.
If you arrive at the HUB 5-10 minutes earlier, I recommend informing the DJ who is already in the booth that you have arrived and are next. This way, you won't lose precious minutes of your time. Once inside the booth, you'll need to enter your details in the appointment list and sign in. If you also have a mix recording, check if the recorder is on and press REC.

Ce echipamente am?

What equipment do I have?

Setup-ul standard este compus din doua Media Playere, un mixer DJ si doua platane de top.
The standard setup consists of two Media Players, one DJ mixer and two top of the line turntables.

Book The Booth

Un setup de top doar pentru tine. Da viata pasiunii tale.

A high-end setup just for you. Bring your passion to life.

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Strada Aurel Vlaicu 20,
Sector 2, Bucuresti

© 2011-2022 Merlin Warehouse SRL - RO29231640. Toate Drepturile Rezervate.
© 2011-2022 Merlin Warehouse SRL - RO29231640. All Rights Reserved.

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