Un DJ booth de Festival, la dispozitia ta
A Festival DJ booth at your fingertips
Mixerul preferat, platane si cdplayere de top, pentru ca tu sa poti exersa, inregistra seturi si sa faci livestreaming pe net.
Your favourite mixer, turntables and top of the range CD players, so you can practice, record sets and livestream online.
Rezerva acum Book nowCe este Book the Booth?
What is Book the Booth?
Ne-am dorit mereu sa venim in intampinarea djilor, sa le oferim solutii si sa ii sustinem in dezvoltarea lor. Fie ca e vorba doar de o pasiune sau de un job stabil, in spatele fiecarui dj sunt sute sau poate chiar mii de ore de munca.
Experienta, skill-urile, promovarea si comunitatea sunt cuvintele cheie care stau in spatele povestilor de succes ale djilor.
We have always wanted to meet the needs of DJs, offer them solutions and support them in their development. Whether it's just a passion or a steady job, behind every DJ there are hundreds or even thousands of hours of work.
Experience, skills, promotion and community are the key words behind DJ success stories.
Iti punem la dispozitie camera special amenajata cu echipamente de top, setup pentru recording si livestreaming. Un dj booth de festival la dispozitia ta, pe care sa exersezi si sa-ti imbunatatesti skillurile, sa-ti inregistrezi seturile promo pe care sa le impartasesti in comunitatea ta, sau posibilitatea de a face livestreaming direct pe canalele tale de social media.
We provide you with a specially equipped room with top of the range equipment, recording setup and livestreaming (*TBA). A festival dj booth at your disposal, where you can practice and improve your skills, record your promo sets to share in your community, or livestream (*TBA) directly to your social media channels.
Cele mai noi echipamente sunt acum la dispozitia ta. Rezerva pupitrul nostru de DJ si vino sa-ti exersezi skilurile de mixing.
The latest equipment is now at your disposal. Book our DJ desk and come practice your mixing skills.
Iti punem la dispozitie un pupitru complet de DJ pentru ca tu sa-ti poti inregistra mixurile.
We provide you with a complete DJ desk so you can record your mixes.
Impartaseste pasiunea pentru muzica si DJing. Iti punem la dispozitie un setup complet pentru live streaming (*TBA) pentru Social Media.
Share your passion for music and DJing. We provide you with a complete livestreaming (*TBA) setup for Social Media.
Daca esti pasionat de DJing acum iti dam sansa sa poti afla secretele din spatele platanelor. Suna-l pe prietenul tau DJ si transforma-l in mentorul tau. Noi iti punem la dispozitie tot riderul de care ai nevoie.
If you are passionate about DJing, we now give you the opportunity to learn the secrets behind the decks. Call your DJ friend and make him your mentor. We provide you with all the equipment you need.
Pentru multi dintre noi, muzica e totul
Hobby, medicament, ancora, nava spatiala, terapie, job... si chiar si scop in viata. Iar cei care simt astfel, cu siguranta si-ar dori ca toata lumea sa se poata bucura de muzica la aceeasi intensitate.
Pentru ca ne regasim in categorie, noi ne dorim ca pasiunea noastra pentru muzica sa aiba un impact pozitiv si in vietile celor care nu se pot bucura de ea la fel cum o facem noi. Prin urmare, in noul sezon 'Book The Booth' ne-am parteneriat cu ANSR, Asociatia Nationala a Surzilor din România, pentru a da mai departe ceva din dragostea asta colectiva pe care o impartim pentru muzica.
Ca sa sustinem proiectele ANSR, incepând din septembrie 2024, pentru orice rezervare a pupitrului, vom percepe o taxa de 7 euro.
Taxa de booking pentru 'Book the Booth' o vom redistribui catre prietenii nostri de la Asociatia Nationala a Surzilor din România. Fondurile vor merge catre asigurarea bunei functionari a sistemului de interpretare in limbajul mimico-gestual la distanta „Voci pentru Mâini”, sustinerea Departamentului Interpretilor Autorizati din ANSR pentru pregatirea personalului autorizat si salariatilor si buna functionare a tombolei anuale a organizatiei pentru membrii tuturor filialelor.
Practic, fiecare sesiune la platane va contribui la o viata mai buna pentru cei cu deficiente de auz, iar pentru asta va suntem recunoscatori.
For many of us, music is everything
A hobby, a remedy, an anchor, a spaceship, therapy, a job... and even a purpose in life. And those who feel this way certainly wish that everyone could enjoy music just the same.
Because we find ourselves in this category, we want our passion for music to have a positive impact on the lives of those who can't enjoy it the way we do. Therefore, in the new season of 'Book The Booth,' we've partnered with ANSR, the National Association of the Deaf in Romania, to share some of this collective love we have for music.
To support ANSR's projects, starting in September 2024, for every booth booking, we will charge a 7 euros fee.
The booking fee for 'Book the Booth' will be redistributed to our friends at the National Association of the Deaf in Romania. The funds will go towards ensuring the proper functioning of the remote sign language interpretation system "Voices for Hands," supporting ANSR's Department of Authorized Interpreters for training authorized personnel and employees, and the successful operation of the organization's annual raffle for members of all branches.
Essentially, each session at the turntables will contribute to a better life for those with hearing impairments, and for that, we are beyond grateful to every one of you.
Rezerva acum online si hai la HUB
Book online now and meet us at the HUB
La un pas distanta de DJ booth-ul pe care ti l-ai dorit mereu. Fie ca vrei sa iti exersezi sau imbunatatesti skill-urile de mixing sau beatmatching, sa inregistrezi mixul perfect cu care mai departe sa te promovezi in comunitatea ta sau sa faci live pe social media, te asteptam la hub.
One step away from the DJ booth you've always wanted. Whether you want to practice or improve your mixing or beatmatching skills, record that perfect mix to further promote yourself in your community or live on social media, we welcome you to the hub.
Imbunatateste-ti skillurile
Azi mai bun ca ieri, maine mai bun ca azi. Practica si experienta in djing sunt cele care fac de multe ori diferenta. Ia cu tine muzica buna culeasa in noptile albe si hai sa-ti exersezi skill-urile si sa gasesti mixul perfect.
Improve your skills
Today better than yesterday, tomorrow better than today. Practice and experience in djing often makes the difference. Take along some good music you've curated during sleepless nights and come practice your skills and find the perfect mix.
Inregistreaza-ti mixul
Cartea ta de vizita? Setul tau promotional. O selectie muzicala fina, un mix frumos construit si o promovare eleganta, iti poate creste comunitatea de oameni care te urmaresc si evident, numarul de giguri.
Record your mix
Your business card? Your promotional kit. A fine music selection, a beautifully constructed mix and an elegant promotion can increase the number of people following you and obviously your gig count.
Livestreaming (*TBA)
Nu mai e nevoie sa spunem de ce, cum si de cand livestreaming-ul a devenit una dintre cele mai importante cai de comunicare pentru DJ. Suntem ready, te asteptam cu setupul perfect pentru live pe net.
Livestreaming (*TBA)
Needless to say why, how and since when livestreaming has become one of the most important communication channels for DJs. We are ready, waiting for you with the perfect setup for live streaming.
Intrebari Frecvente
Frequently Asked Questions
Nu-ti bate capul cu prea multe intrebari. Ia-ti cu tine muzica, castile si voia buna.
Don't bother with too many questions. Bring your music, headphones and uplifting spirit.
Cum rezerv?
How do I book?
Cat dureaza o sesiune?
How long does a session last?
Daca vreau sa inregistrez un set?
What if I want to record a set?
Ce imi trebuie cand vin la Hub?
What do I need when I come to the Hub?
Cum plec cu mixul inregistat acasa?
How do I leave with the recorded mix at home?
Unde gasesc toate informatiile?
Where do i find all the info about this space?
Ce echipamente am?
What equipment do I have?
Cat costa?
How much does it cost?
Am ajuns la Booth, ce fac?
I'm at the Booth, what do I do?
Un setup de top doar pentru tine. Da viata pasiunii tale.
A high-end setup just for you. Bring your passion to life.
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